Barbie (2023)
Genre: Adventure/ Comedy Time: 2 Hours Director: Greta Gerwig Quick Summary: Barbie suffers a crisis that leads her to question her world and her existence. I wanted to cry. So much. This is absolutely a masterpiece that tackles one of the biggest social issues currently known, and it does it with such good taste. I laughed equally as much as I cried. Everything is pink! But it's never an eyesore. Everything works in perfect harmony to create this adorable aesthetic. The set designs are also incredibly well done, appearing to be a perfect replica of dollhouses and various doll toys. Margot Robbie is perfect casting as Barbie, she nails the movement and the joyous attitude of Barbie wonderfully. I personally don't think anyone else could have done as well as she did during this film, especially during the more emotional parts of this which ended up really hitting hard. Ryan Gosling is phenomenal as Ken. Hilarious but yet still had such a deep philosophy b...