Manchester By The Sea (2016)

Genre: Drama Time : 2h 17mins Director: Kenneth Lonergan Quick Summary: A depressed uncle is asked to take care of his teenage nephew after the boy's father dies. Going into this you can tell this is gonna be a sad film and it really is what you sign up for. Something I wasn't sure if I liked personally or not, but I understand what this was doing, was mostly every scene felt awkward or not of the actors felt like they were "acting." This feels like real people and you're just peaking into a moment of their life. It's supposed to be raw and realistic, so I get why they did this with all the slightly dull dialogue or conversations that never seemed right or "Pre-Planned" I wasn't fully sure about this, because yes it's true to what the tone of the film is, but made it feel boring for me and felt very very slow a lot of the time. The main lead, Casey Affleck at first I strongly disliked. I found him arrogant, uncaring and honestly a dick,...