Blade 2 (2002)
Genre: Action/Horror Time: 1h 57mins Director: Guillermo del Toro
Quick Summary: A rare mutation gives birth to a new vampire community called the Reapers, who attack both humans and vampires. Blade, along with an elite vampire force, is asked to wipe out the Reaper's population.
I absolutely love the comic book vibes this gives off but it is absolutely taken over by Guillermo Del Toro's practical effects and I adore it. It does fall a bit basic on the plot side of things as it kinda goes along the normal action beats and doesn't go super outside the box, but I honestly don't mind it since the practical effects hold this film up along with the characters. Sadly there is a sub-plot which I felt needed to be improved and could have used more time on it though.
Saying this, it doesn't tell its story awfully, it builds upon the previous film and adds a lot more to the world of 'Blade'. Another thing I really liked is the score, still keeping with Techo which really adds to the nature of this film, with little splashes of Hip hop. It screams early 2000 but in a good way.
Wesley snipes again and masters his role as Blade, he brings his best and watching him in this is so fun. He clearly has made this character his own, choosing to add what he likes to it. Along with this, the supporting cast is also good, they all hold their own.
Almost being pushed into the horror genre Del Toro would take Blade to new levels of extremeness, the torture, disgusting autopsies and bloody fights. Unfortunately, Del Toro was worried about the budget, so instead poured all his efforts into the split-mouth reapers as we see them now. It was a smart decision, definitely pushing the franchise into outright horror territory, but not quite allowing it to become defined by it.
It's upbeat and jam-packed full of cool action scenes that constantly keep you entertained. I honestly do think this sequel was a step up from Blade, even though the first one is still good in all its cheesy goodness.
If you liked the first blade you will definitely love this one, as personally, this one is not only a really good sequel it, surpasses it by building on what was already there. Plus for those who have watched the first one, there's another nightclub scene which I loved!
"Blade: How do you feel?
Whistler: Like hammered shit."
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