Goth (2003)
Genre : Horror/Thriller Time: 1h 25mins Director: Brad Sykes Quick Summary: A savage but charismatic woman (Phoebe Dollar) leads two Goth teens on a dark journey fueled by drugs, violence and depravity. You're either going to love or hate this film, since I will start off by saying, you have to see how bad this movie is. I don't really know what to say about this film, as really this is a rubbish pile set on fire, but you really can't help but watch it burn. The main reason if this is because the film takes itself very very seriously. The script is horrible and it's dull. If someone told me some high school kids made this I would believe it. The characters of Chrissy & Boone are terrible, they spend virtually the entire film discussing how to get away from "Goth" yet do nothing. Everyone's motives are all over the place, and everyone changes their morals at the drop of a hat. There really isn't a story to this but it's just so entertaini...