Juno (2007)


Genre: Drama/Comedy    

Time: 1h 30 mins   

Director: Jason Reitman

Quick summary: Social misfit Juno protects herself with a caustic wit, but her unplanned pregnancy has the teen getting more involved in the lives of her baby's adoptive parents than she expected.

No film has felt more genuine and real than this one. 

This film is very touching and incredibly smart with its dark and witty humour. It starts off very wacky but as the film goes on you end up adoring all the characters, flaws and all. They can all come across as a bit much at first or a bit out there, but that just adds to their charm. Juno, the main character is very standoff-ish with a wild sense of humour, but you learn to understand her.

This film is fun! You're constantly laughing with the characters and there is a lovely warm air about it. Though, when it comes down to the serious moments you do truly reflect on what has just happened and give a connection between the viewer and the characters. It's beautifully complex in how it blends happy and sad together and shows human relationships at their finest, creating a new experience I haven't seen in a movie before.  

This movie feels real. This is a story I'd feel like I'd hear happening to one of my friends. Juno is one of the most mature 16 years old I've seen, yet she is still unsure of how she fits into life or what to do.

Juno's parents are the most loving understanding parents I have ever come across. They embrace Juno with love, warmth, and humour. They respect her decision and offer to help her as much as she needs them. They make a few jokes, like the stepmom saying she had thought the bad news was that Juno has been taking drugs. There's another scene which I found very funny when Juno is stressing about what to do further in the film and her father comes to her asking if she is having boy trouble, to then follow that up by saying it's her choice but in her "condition" it's a big messed up. It's so loveable their dynamic how they bounce each other in a hilarious way but still have that father-daughter bond.

A few jokes that were delicately placed throughout the film genuinely made me laugh were when Juno described the unborn baby as a "Sea monkey" and that she saw herself as "a cautionary whale"  

This film explores the many types of connections one person can make, and how they can all influence their life decisions. It shows hard it can be at 16 when you are still learning how the world works and you are still new to hardships. But it also shows how guidance can be a lifesaver. Many lessons are taught throughout this film, such as true love will see you for who you truly are and that you're never alone.

The subject matter is heavy, yes, but it's treated in such a lighthearted way you can't help but love this film. There are no lectures taught about getting pregnant young is bad and is a mistake, it's purely about carrying on and dealing with it in a sensible way.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this film and it flows perfectly. This is definitely worth watching more than three times. 


  • “I was thinking I could, like, have this baby, and give it to someone that like totally needs it, like a woman with a bum ovary or a couple of nice lesbos.”

  • “Hey, yeah, uh, I'm just calling to procure a hasty abortion.”

  • “Bleeker: I still have your underwear.

Juno: I still have your virginity.

Bleeker: Would you shut up?”
