Juno (2007)
Genre: Drama/Comedy Time: 1h 30 mins Director: Jason Reitman Quick summary: Social misfit Juno protects herself with a caustic wit, but her unplanned pregnancy has the teen getting more involved in the lives of her baby's adoptive parents than she expected. No film has felt more genuine and real than this one. This film is very touching and incredibly smart with its dark and witty humour. It starts off very wacky but as the film goes on you end up adoring all the characters, flaws and all. They can all come across as a bit much at first or a bit out there, but that just adds to their charm. Juno, the main character is very standoff-ish with a wild sense of humour, but you learn to understand her. This film is fun! You're constantly laughing with the characters and there is a lovely warm air about it. Though, when it comes down to the serious moments you do truly reflect on what has just happened and give a connection between the view...