State's Evidence (2006)

Genre: Indie film/Thriller Time: 1hr 30 mins Director: Benjamin Louis Quick summary: Six teens decide to record their final days leading up to their agreed-upon suicide pact. One important thing to note is that this film is very dialogue driven, mainly with the monologues by the characters to the camera. So not much visually entertaining happens. As well as this the dialogue is very cringe at times, almost feeling like some middle-aged man wrote what he thought teenagers spoke like. They go in circles of righteous vanity and very bad cliches. My first impression was that the directing was bad, but the story and idea were good. I honestly kept watching for that, it's very compelling and you are interested in what is going to happen within the first slow burner half of the film. I wasn't sure about the main character, Scot", who tells his very eccentric group of friends about his idea to...