Scoob! (2020)

I had such high hopes for this film, I really did. Genre: Family/Mystery Time: 1h 33mins Director: Tony Cervone I really thought this was gonna be the sweet origin story these guys deserved finally after all these years. I was wrong, so wrong. This was very much an obvious and shameless, cash grab with tie-ins for characters who share similar vibes. It does start off okay, somewhat, with how Shaggy and Scoob actually met as kids, which is very sweet and adorable, to be honest. This very quickly turns into the pair meeting the rest of the gang, solving their first mystery, and recreating the classic opening in the film's very gross and boring style of 3D CGI, all in the first 20 mins. Then it all goes horribly wrong. There’s a really misjudged cameo (of the sort where a character has to tell you who it is in dialogue). Spoilers! It's Simon Cowell... The gang is split up almost immediately a...